Batman: Holy hymnal, Robin! The 66th chapter of Psalms is a song of praise to the Lord!
Robin: That's right, Batman! The Psalmist speaks of God's deeds and wonders to all the earth, saying that all the people should come and worship God.
Catwoman: You know, I think I'm starting to understand why people find so much comfort in this book!
Batman: Yes, Catwoman, the Psalmist calls on all nations to join in praising the Lord for His power and might!
Joker: Oh, I don't know about that, Batman. It seems kind of boring to me...
Robin: Oh, Joker, you don't know what you're missing! The Psalmist goes on to say that God has tested us, and that He has brought us through trials and tribulations.
Batman: Yes, Robin. He promises that when we seek Him, we will find Him, and that He will be with us in our time of need. That's a powerful message of hope!