Batman: "Psalms 23 is about the Lord, who is our shepherd. He guides and provides for us, even in the darkest of times."
Robin: "That's right! Even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we can be sure that the Lord is with us. He protects us and gives us all we need."
Catwoman: "But it's not just physical protection. He also provides us with spiritual sustenance, like a shepherd with his flock, preparing a table for us in the presence of our enemies."
Batman: "Yes, and He anoints our heads with oil and renews our strength, so that we can walk the path of righteousness with joy and gladness."
Robin: "That's right! With the Lord as our shepherd, we have nothing to fear. He leads us to green pastures and still waters, and He will be with us always."
Joker: "Well, that's just great! I'm sure that's a real comfort to all of you, but it's not doing me any good."
Batman: "Don't worry, Joker. The Lord is merciful to all, if they accept Him. After all, He is our shepherd and we shall not want!"