Batman: Holy psalms, Robin! We must stop the wickedness of the evildoers who are defying the Lord!

Robin: You're right, Batman! It's up to us to protect the innocent and put an end to their wickedness!

Joker: (cackles) Not so fast, Dynamic Duo! I'm here to make sure the evildoers get away with their wickedness!

Batman: Not on our watch, Joker! We must put an end to their schemes and show them that they cannot defy the Lord!

Catwoman: (purrs) But it's so much more fun to do evil and get away with it!

Riddler: (chuckles) Yes, why not join us on the dark side? We can all have a wickedly good time together!

Batman: No way, Riddler! We will never join you in your nefarious deeds! We must protect the innocent and defend the Lord's will!

Robin: And with the Lord's help, we will prevail!