Batman: Holy Psalms, Robin! What a chapter!
Robin: Indeed, Batman! It calls us to give thanks and praise to the Lord for all the wonderful things he does!
Joker: Oh, I don't think the Lord has done anything particularly wonderful for me, you two!
Batman: That's because you haven't heeded his word! As this chapter reminds us, those who follow the Lord are blessed with plenty of good things!
Catwoman: But what about those who wander off the path? Does this chapter have anything to say to them?
Robin: Absolutely! It says that God will rescue those who cry out in their distress and guide them back to the right path.
Penguin: Very inspiring! So, what else?
Batman: Well, the chapter also reminds us to give thanks to the Lord for his mighty deeds, for his wonderful works for the children of men, and for the miraculous ways he provides for us.
Robin: And don't forget the part that says let them sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy!
Joker: Heh-heh, I'm sure that's a song you two know all too well!
Batman: Indeed! Now, who's up for singing a few verses of "The Lord is Good to Me?"