Batman: Holy Bible, Robin! Did you know that Psalms 48 is all about the power and greatness of the Lord?

Robin: That's right, Batman! In this Psalm, we learn that the Lord is to be praised for His great and mighty works and for His awesome strength!

Catwoman: Don't forget the awesomeness of His city too!

Batman: That's right, Catwoman! The Psalm reminds us that the Lord is great, that His city is beautiful, and that He has a strong fortress!

Robin: And what an awesome sight it must be!

Joker: I'm sure it's a sight to behold! Not that it matters to me, of course.

Batman: Joker, don't you forget that the Lord is the King of all the earth!

Joker: Puh-lease, Batman. Kings come and go. Nothing lasts forever.

Batman: Not true, Joker. The Lord is an everlasting King! He will never be defeated!