Batman: Oh me oh my, Robin, what a quandary!

Robin: What is it, Batman?

Batman: In Psalm 11, the Lord is asking us what we should do when wickedness is all around us.

Catwoman: You should join me, of course! You can have a life of wealth and ease, free from the troubles of the outside world.

Batman: I'm afraid that's not an option, Catwoman.

Robin: No, it's not! The Lord has made it clear: we must take refuge in Him, trusting in His righteousness and justice.

Joker: Ha ha ha! What a bore.

Robin: Joker, why don't you just stick to your silly pranks and leave God's work to the rest of us?

Joker: Oh, that's no fun. I think I'll just sit back and watch the destruction unfold!

Batman: Not if I can help it, Joker! We must remember that the Lord watches over us and will bring justice to those who deserve it.

Robin: That's right, Batman. With the Lord on our side, we can be sure that justice will be served.