Batman: Holy Psalms, Robin!
Robin: What is it, Batman?
Batman: We must hear the words of the Lord in Psalms 90.
Catwoman: Oh, I'm certain that's not something I want to hear!
Batman: It is a prayer of Moses the man of God, who wrote the Psalm to ask the Lord to remember His mercy and love.
Robin: Wow! That sounds like a powerful prayer!
Joker: Ha ha ha! Not likely!
Batman: Indeed, it is! For the Lord is our refuge and our strength, providing us with hope and security in our darkest moments.
Robin: That's encouraging!
Joker: I think I'll pass.
Batman: But the Lord is also a consuming fire, who will judge us for our sins. We must be careful not to stray from His path.
Catwoman: That sounds like a threat!
Batman: Not a threat, Catwoman, but a warning. We must stay true to the Lord's will if we wish to find peace and security in our lives.