Peter: Alright, here's Psalms 90. It's all about God's eternal love and how He's been around forever and ever and ever.

Brian: Yeah, like a really long movie.

Stewie: *Rolls his eyes* Alright, I'll take it from here. The psalmist is begging God to have mercy on us, 'cause we're all just dust. He's asking for mercy, because we've all been around for a blink of an eye - like a single episode of 'The Big Bang Theory'.

Peter: Oh yeah, like the one where Sheldon tries to teach the kids about science?

Lois: *Sighs* Yes, Peter. The psalmist is also reminding us that God's love is everlasting, and that He's the only source of comfort in the midst of our troubles.

Stewie: Yeah, just like 'Friends' is always there to comfort us when we're feeling down.

Brian: *Chuckles* That's true. And then the psalmist wraps it up by asking God to give us a heart of wisdom, so that we can make the most of our short lives.

Peter: *Thinks for a moment* So, like a binge-watching marathon of 'Game of Thrones'?

Lois: *Rolls her eyes* Sure, why not.