Peter: Alright, so in Psalms 21, the Lord bestows blessings of joy upon King David.

Lois: Oh wow, that sounds nice.

Stewie: But wait, he also gives him a crown of pure gold and a shield of victory.

Brian: Well, that's one way to make sure he doesn't lose any fights.

Peter: But it ain't just physical victories he's talking about, Lois. The Lord also promises that whoever is victorious over David will be shamed.

Lois: That's very powerful.

Stewie: Yeah, I guess it should be no surprise that David will have the last laugh, since his enemies will be like a hot potato that everyone wants to get rid of.

Brian: Or like the ending of Lost.

Peter: Alright, so in the end, King David's joy is complete and he praises the Lord for his many blessings.

Lois: That's really beautiful.

Stewie: Yeah, I guess that's what happens when you're a king. You get all the perks.