Peter: Alright, so this is Psalms 4. It's all about David's prayer for God to help him out of a tight spot. He starts out by asking God to answer him when he calls, and to let him be safe from his enemies.

Lois: Sounds like he needs a little divine intervention.

Brian: Yeah, like when Neo had to save Morpheus in The Matrix!

Peter: Right. Then he goes on to say that God's people should be glad and rejoice in Him.

Stewie: Great, so if we just wear our Sunday best and sing a few hymns, God will take care of our problems?

Brian: Not exactly. He's telling us to trust in the Lord and find our joy in Him.

Lois: So, focus on the things that really matter.

Peter: Exactly. Then he says that those who trust in idols and lies won't be around for long.

Stewie: Like when the Death Star blew up in Star Wars?

Brian: I'm sure that's not what he meant, Stewie.

Lois: He's saying that we should remember that God is the only one who can truly provide for us and protect us.

Peter: Right. And that's why it's important to trust in Him and find our joy in Him.