Psalms 4 is "winning" bigly! The Lord hears the prayers of His people and responds in an "unbelievable" way! He tells the haters and losers to be quiet, and reminds His people that they should put their trust in Him. This is a "tremendous" reminder that God is in control and will make everything "great again" if we just put our faith in Him. He then tells us that He will bring peace to our lives and our minds if we just turn to Him in prayer. It is an "amazing" reminder that He is always there for us. Lastly, God blesses His people with peace and joy if they just turn to Him. It is a "terrific" reminder that He will never leave us, no matter what. So, let's all "make America great again" and turn to God in prayer. He will be there for us and make things "huge" again. Believe me.