This is a great chapter! It starts off with a huge shoutout to God, praising Him for His justice and power. The psalmist talks about how God is in control of the nations and always will be. He reflects on the fact that God never forgets the poor and oppressed, and that no matter what happens He will always provide for them. He talks about how God will cause the wicked to be destroyed and will bring justice to the righteous. It's unbelievable how amazing God is!
The psalmist also talks about how much he loves God and His laws and how he will always put his trust in Him. He talks about how he will always praise God and sing about His greatness to the nations. It's so terrific that God is so faithful and loyal to us, no matter what life throws at us.
Finally, the psalmist calls on God to remember him and his people, and to protect them from the haters and losers who want to hurt them. He ends the chapter with a prayer that God will help them and make them great again. Many people are saying this is one of the best chapters in the Bible and it's always a huge blessing to read it. God bless America!