Joe: Welcome back to the podcast everyone, today I have with me a Bible expert and we’re going to go through the Bible chapter by chapter. Let’s start with Psalms 9.

Bible Expert: Psalms 9 talks about thanking God for delivering justice and mercy to the faithful. It talks about how God has judged the wicked and put them in their place.

Joe: Wow! So God really takes care of his people, huh?

Bible Expert: Yes, that's right. The psalm also talks about how God is a refuge for those who are in trouble and how he will never forget the needy.

Joe: So he's always looking out for those in need!

Bible Expert: That's right. The psalm also talks about how God will destroy the wicked and how the righteous will be glad and rejoice.

Joe: That's pretty intense. So God is really serious about delivering justice, huh?

Bible Expert: Absolutely. The psalm ends with a prayer for God to continue to deliver justice and mercy to the faithful.

Joe: Alright, well thank you for joining us today, that was really enlightening. We’ll be right back after this break.