Joe: Alright, so we are talking Psalms 85 with our Bible Expert! So what’s the deal?
Bible Expert: Sure, so Psalms 85 is all about restoring relationships between God and His people. The Psalmist starts by asking God to restore His favor and to end the exile of His people. He then goes on to talk about how God will restore peace and justice, and how He will protect the covenant He has made with His people.
Joe: Woah, so God was punishing His people and then He’s like “ok, I’m going to restore peace and justice?”
Bible Expert: Right, so God is showing His kindness and mercy to His people. He promises that if they seek Him and act obediently, He will restore their land and they will be prosperous once again.
Joe: That’s wild! So God is basically saying that if they follow His commands, then He will reward them?
Bible Expert: Exactly! The Psalmist goes on to talk about how God’s presence will bring joy and prosperity to the land, and how He will remove His people’s sins. Finally, the Psalmist ends with a prayer of thanksgiving for how God has kept His promises and restored His people.
Joe: Wow, that’s really cool. So this is basically saying that God will reward those who follow Him and that He’s willing to forgive His people for their mistakes.
Bible Expert: Yes, that’s a great way of summarizing it.