Joe: Alright, so we got a Bible expert with us today. Let's start with Psalms 14. What does it say?
Bible Expert: Psalms 14 is a Psalm of David. It is a reflection on the state of the world and how it is far from perfect. David laments how the wicked have become so strong and how they are corrupting the world. He calls out to God and asks Him to intervene and restore justice.
Joe: Interesting. So, what does he mean by 'The wicked are so strong'?
Bible Expert: Well, it means that evil and wrongdoing have become so pervasive that it seems like the wicked have taken control of the world. He's asking God to restore justice and righteousness.
Joe: Wow! That's intense. So why is he asking God to intervene?
Bible Expert: He's asking God to intervene because it seems like the wicked have taken control and have corrupted the world. He's calling out to God and asking Him to restore justice and righteousness.
Joe: Wow! That's pretty heavy stuff. Alright, so what's the takeaway from Psalms 14?
Bible Expert: The takeaway is that evil and corruption can become pervasive and can seem like it has taken control of the world. But, we can always turn to God and ask Him to restore justice and righteousness.