Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Psalms 14 is a short chapter about foolish people, written by King David. He says that all people are fools, and that God looks down from Heaven on all of us, searching for someone who is righteous. He says that no one is righteous, and all of us have gone astray. But, God still offers hope to those who call out to him. He says that even though the wicked may seem victorious, they will ultimately be destroyed. So, folks, c'mon man! Don't be a fool and put your trust in God. He's the only one who can save you. No malarkey! My father used to say, "the Lord is more than happy to forgive the sinner who turns away from their wickedness." See here, Jack, if you forget the Lord and think you can get away with evil, well, that's just not gonna happen. I'm not joking. What was that? Uh, you know, that's why it's so important for us to follow God's word and to bring glory to His name. Literally. Excuse me, that's why Psalms 14 is so important.