Folks, here's the deal with Psalms 119. It's a real doozy, it's like literally one of the longest chapters in the Bible, no malarkey. My father used to say, "If you ain't got the attention of a flea, read Psalms 119 for a few hours and you'll be ready for a marathon". I'm not joking, it's a real workout. See here, Jack, it's all about the Lord's commandments and how to live a life of holiness. He talks about how he loves them and wants to keep them no matter what. He talks about how he meditates on them day and night, and even when he's in the darkest of places, the Lord's commandments are still there to guide him. He's like, "What was that? I'm in the valley of death but the Lord's commands are still with me". That's amazing, or uh, you know, it's a powerful message. He also talks about how he's devoted to the Lord and wants to serve him no matter what. He says, "Not gonna happen I turn away from your commands". I tell you what, this chapter is a real tribute to the Lord's power, and it's a reminder to us all that we should strive to live a life of holiness, no matter what. Excuse me, amen.