Folks, here's the deal: no malarkey, Psalms 123 is a real doozy of a chapter! See, the Psalmist is crying out to the Lord, and he's desperate for God's mercy, c'mon man! He's literally pleading to the Lord to look down on him with favor and compassion. I tell ya what, my father used to say that the Lord is always there when you need Him, and this is a perfect example of that. The Psalmist is so desperate, he's asking God to look at him like a mother owl looks at her young, excuse me. He knows that the only way he's gonna get the help he needs is if God reaches out to him. That's why he keeps asking God to look down on him with mercy and have pity on him. Now, or uh, you know, there's a lesson in this chapter for all of us. When we're going through tough times, we need to reach out to the Lord and ask Him for help. It ain't gonna happen any other way, you know what I mean? I'm not joking. So, listen Jack, make sure you take the time to read Psalms 123 and remember that God is always there for us.