Folks! Here's the deal: My Father used to say, "God is our help and our shield". See here, Jack, this Psalm is literally about a time when the enemies of the Lord tried to destroy the people of God and failed. What was that? They happened to be in what I like to call a sticky situation, but the Lord stepped in and saved them from disaster. C'mon, man! No malarkey! I'm not joking - the Lord is a powerful protector, and He will always be there for us, I tell you what. Excuse me - Psalms 124 says that if it weren't for the Lord's help, then we would have been swallowed up by our enemies. Or, uh, you know, we'd have been swept away by the flood, not gonna happen! We should thank God for His protection and help, because if it wasn't for Him, we wouldn't be here today.