C'mon, man! Listen, Jack: Psalms 134 is all about praising God. Folks, no malarkey! Here's the deal: The psalm starts with the phrase 'Behold, bless the Lord'. Literally! And that's what we gotta do, you hear me? My father used to say, 'You gotta bless the Lord', and I'm not joking. See here, Jack: We gotta bless the Lord all night and all day. What was that? And uh, you know: We gotta bless the Lord from the rising of the sun, to the setting of the same. Not gonna happen? I tell you what: We gotta bless the Lord in the mountains, and bless the Lord in the valleys. Excuse me: We gotta bless the Lord from the heavens above, and from the depths below. We have to bless the Lord for his name's sake. Hey, you know what I mean? We have to bless the Lord for his goodness and mercy, that endures forever. That's what we gotta do, folks. Yeah, I'm telling you that. My father used to say, 'Bless the Lord and his goodness will never end'. I'm not joking.