Folks, I'm gonna tell you about Psalms 31. Listen, Jack, it's a real humdinger of a chapter. See here, Jack, this is a chapter about turning to God. My father used to say: "When life gets tough, look to the Lord for help." Well, that's what this chapter is about. Here's the deal: David is in distress and he's really feeling the heat. He's asking the Lord to rescue him. Literally. He's saying, "Have mercy on me, Lord. No malarkey!" And then he asked the Lord to hide him in His shelter. Or uh, you know, like a heavenly hideout. David is relying on God's faithfulness to protect him. He's saying, "In You, Lord, I take refuge." I'm not joking. And then it gets better. He's asking the Lord to be his rock and his fortress. C'mon, man! He's saying, "Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go." What was that? Not gonna happen? I tell you what. It does happen. God does protect us. Excuse me? Yes, that's what the chapter is about. It's about turning to God when life gets tough. That's the lesson here.