Listen, Jack, c'mon man, here's the deal: Psalms 138 is about praising God for his greatness. We literally owe our lives to God, and my father used to say, "God is always with us." And I'm not joking, folks - we can trust in God no matter what! See here, Jack, God is so powerful that even the kings of the earth will honor him. What was that? No malarkey! Even the rulers of the nations will bow down before him. Or uh, you know, God will hear us when we cry out to him, no matter how far away we are. Not gonna happen that he won't hear us! I tell you what - God will do great things for us and show us his unfailing love, even though we are nothing but dust! Excuse me, but we can be sure that God will always keep his promises. So let's give thanks to God - now and forever!