Listen, Jack, this is the deal! Psalms 149 talks about how we can praise God with the instruments he has given us. Folks, we can sing and dance, and use whatever instruments we have in our worship - drums, guitars, trumpets, and more. My father used to say, “God wants to hear our songs, even if they’re not perfect.” C’mon, man, it’s about praising God with the tools we have! See here, Jack, we’re also told that God uses his saints to punish the wicked. Or uh, you know, God will take care of the evil-doers. Not gonna happen, folks. I’m telling you, God is a just God. What was that? He will make sure justice is served. No malarkey! He will reward his people with everlasting joy and peace. Excuse me, literally, God’s people will be dancing and singing around him in joy. I’m not joking, imagine the scene!