Listen, Jack, c'mon man, here's the deal. Psalms 148 is a celebration of everything that exists- people, animals and even the forces of nature. Literally, it's like a big party out there! My father used to say that the Lord is the greatest of all, and that's something the Psalmist agrees with. He's telling us that the heavens and the earth, the sun, moon and stars, the mountains and hills, the fruit trees and cedars, the wild animals and livestock, the birds of the air, and even the fish in the sea, should all be praised. What was that? Praise the Lord! That's right- it's a reminder to give glory and honor to the Lord, and to not forget His greatness. Or uh, you know, it's not gonna happen. I tell you what, folks, the Psalmist isn't joking around- he's serious about this. See here, Jack- he's even calling on the angels to join in this celebration. Excuse me- if the angels are praising the Lord, then we definitely should too! So, no malarkey, let's join in and give honor to the Lord!