Folks! I'm tellin' ya, c'mon man, Psalms 104 is one of the greatest chapters in the Bible! My father used to say, 'Joey, if one chapter could sum up the glory of the Lord, it'd be Psalms 104!', and I'm not jokin' here. See here, Jack, Psalms 104 talks about the Lord's greatness, His wonderful works, and His power! It tells us how He created the heavens, the earth, the mountains, the seas, the birds, the animals, and even the people! It's literally like He said, 'Let there be light' and there was light! Then, He put the stars in the sky, and the moon and the sun, and said, 'Let there be day and night!' and it happened - what was that? He said it and it happened! No malarkey! He also gave us the rains to water the land and the crops, and the birds and the animals to fill the earth, and we owe it all to the Lord. That's why Psalms 104 is such a great reminder of His power and glory. Here's the deal, God has done so much for us, we should be worshipping Him every day! Excuse me, but it's true, not gonna happen!