Hey, Jack, listen up! I'm gonna tell you about Psalms 77. It's a doozy. My father used to say, "You can't be too careful with these ol' Psalms, son." Well, I'm not gonna argue with that.

Now, let's get to it. Psalms 77 is all about God's greatness and power. It talks about how God's works are awesome and how we can trust Him. C'mon, man, He literally moves mountains. I tell you what, He's pretty impressive!

But it's not all good news. Psalms 77 also talks about how God can be a bit of a jerk. He's kinda like a school bully sometimes. He's like, "Hey, bow down to me or else!" I mean, what was that? Or uh, you know, not gonna happen!

But at the end of the day, God's still looking out for us. In Psalms 77, He literally shows us that He's got our backs. And I'm not joking, folks. He promises us that He will never forget us and that He'll always be there for us. No malarkey!

So see here, Jack: God's awesome, but also kinda scary sometimes. But don't worry about it. He's got your back. That's the deal.