Folks, here's the deal. My father used to tell me, "Listen, Jack, there's nothing like a good psalm to soothe the soul." And I'm not joking, that's exactly what this Psalm 55 is all about. See here, Jack, when life gets rough - and no malarkey, it can get really rough - you just turn to the Lord and pray. Or, uh, you know, cry out to Him and He'll hear you. That's what this Psalm 55 is all about. It's about the Lord being your refuge in times of trouble, about Him protecting you. It's about the Lord being there for you even when the world is falling apart. Literally, He will save you from all the wickedness, from all the evil that's out there. And I tell you what, that's not gonna happen if you don't call on Him. So, excuse me, what was that? Pray to the Lord and He will answer!