Folks, here's the deal. Psalms 44 is all about the faith that the Israelites have in God, even though they're being persecuted by their enemies. My father used to say, "even when we're surrounded by our enemies, God will protect us from their schemes." And, c'mon man, that's exactly what happens in Psalms 44. The Israelites call out to God for help, and he literally answers their prayers. He puts a stop to their enemies and makes sure that they don't have any power over them. See here, Jack, the Israelites are so grateful to God that they sing praises to him and thank him for his protection. Not gonna happen that they forget what he did for them. So, I tell you what, Psalms 44 is a reminder to us all that no matter how hard life gets, God will always be there for us. No malarkey!