Listen, Jack, my father used to say, "If you want to be forgiven, you gotta reach deep down inside yourself and find that special something that'll help you forgive. C'mon, man! Here's the deal: no malarkey! Psalms 130 is about realizing that even if you have done some bad things, God can still forgive you. See here, Jack, it talks about how if we wait for the Lord, He will come through for us. He will forgive us for our sins and our transgressions. People, literally, He will pluck us out of the depths of despair and bring us to His loving embrace. Excuse me, but I tell you what: no matter how deep your sins might be, the Lord will always be there to forgive you. I'm not joking--not gonna happen! He will always be there with open arms. What was that? He's waiting for you to come to Him and He will never turn away.