Folks, here's the deal: My father used to say that Psalms 110 was a reminder that God is in charge. He said it was literally written by King David himself - no malarkey! He said it was a message about how God's power is so great, He can even make kings and rulers bend to His will. See here, Jack: It's about how God has a special relationship with the people He chooses, and He will protect them from their enemies. I'm not joking, y'all: It talks about how God's chosen people will have the power to judge their enemies and act as His representatives on Earth. C'mon, man! It's a reminder that the Lord's power will last forever, and no matter how much people may oppose Him, He will always be the victor in the end. Excuse me - what was that? That's right, God's power will never end. Or uh, you know, not gonna happen. I tell you what: We should all take a page from this Bible chapter and remember that God's power is greater than anything we can comprehend.