Listen, Jack, no malarkey! Here's the deal: Psalm 57 is all about trusting in God for protection. C'mon, man! David wrote it when he was hiding from Saul in a cave, and he was literally scared for his life. He cried out to God to protect him from his enemies and keep him safe from their lies. My father used to say, "When life gets tough, just remember that God is still in control." And I'm not joking—that's exactly what David did! He put his faith in God and prayed for mercy and deliverance, and God answered his prayer. See here, Jack, Psalm 57 is a reminder that no matter what happens, God is always there to help us and protect us. What was that? Oh, or, uh, you know, even in the darkest of times, God is still watching over us, and He won't let anyone hurt us. I tell you what, no matter how far away He may seem, He is still there—and He will never abandon us! That's a promise, folks! Not gonna happen. Excuse me, but that's the truth.