Folks! Here's the deal. Psalms 136 is a song of praise to God for his mighty deeds. My father used to say: "God is good, forever and ever, his love endures." Literally, he's been doing things for us since the very beginning, from when he made the world, through the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt and all the way up to his salvation of us today. Now that's a lot of love, and God deserves our praise! C'mon, man! He split the Red Sea, so the Israelites could pass through. He led them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He destroyed the Egyptians in the sea. See here, Jack: he gave the Israelites manna and quail in the desert. Or uh, you know, he gave them water from a rock. He overthrew their enemies and gave them the Promised Land. I'm not joking, what was that? He's done great things for us, no malarkey! I tell you what: not gonna happen, God's love endures forever. Excuse me, but his faithfulness is from generation to generation.