Folks, here's the deal. Psalms 12 is a call to the Lord to save us from those who use lies and flattery to oppress the poor and needy. No malarkey, my father used to say these lies are like poison and can bring about destruction. C'mon, man, that's why the Psalmist asks for protection from the Lord. Quite literally, the Lord is asked to intercede on behalf of those who are suffering and are at the mercy of these wicked people. See here, Jack, the Psalmist calls on the Lord to intercede and to help these poor, helpless people. And I tell you what, the Lord will not forget those who cry out for help and he will grant them salvation. So excuse me, don't let these wicked people get away with their lies and false flattery. Literally, the Lord will save them, or uh, you know, they will be destroyed. Not gonna happen. I'm not joking.