C'mon, man! Here's the deal with Psalms 105. My father used to say that it's all about thanking God for his protection and blessings. Literally, God's love and faithfulness have been around since the beginning of time, 'cause he made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants to provide them with a great nation. See here, Jack, the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, but God heard their cries and delivered them with a mighty hand. What was that? He parted the Red Sea and destroyed the armies of Pharaoh, and y'all, he provided them with the Promised Land. Folks, not gonna happen that we forget the Lord's faithfulness, right? I tell you what, excuse me, he even sent his prophets to warn them of impending danger. Or uh, you know, he blessed them with food and rain in times of need and gave them victory over their enemies. I'm not joking, Psalms 105 encourages us to remember all the good things the Lord has done. No malarkey! He's our provider and protector, and that's the real deal.