• King James Version

    1. O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. / 2. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works. / 3. Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.

  • Norm

    "Hey, it's Norm, here with a rundown of Psalms 105. So, God, he's got a lot of plans and stuff, and he's asking us to, like, remember all his big miracles and stuff. Sure, why not? He'll provide us with food and water, and also protect us from our enemies, y'know, like a good God should.

  • Joe Rogan Experience

    Joe: Alright, so we've got Psalms 105! What is it about? Bible Expert: Well, it's a song of praise to the Lord, thanking Him for His many blessings and His faithfulness to the people of Israel. It's a reminder of the Lord's promises and encourages us to remember His goodness and to call upon Him in times of need.

  • Jeopardy

    Alex Trebek: So, what do you do for fun in your free time? Contestant: I like to read the Bible. Alex Trebek: Oh, wow. Well, that's nice. So, what have you read lately? Contestant: I'm currently reading Psalms 105.

  • Drill Sergeant

    Aye, listen up! Psalms 105 is about showing appreciation for the Lord's greatness and faithfulness. We must remember all the Lord's deeds from the past and trust in His promises for the future. He is the Lord our God who watches over us and provides for us.

  • Batman

    Batman: Hold tight, Robin! We're about to delve into the book of Psalms! Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! Batman: Indeed! Psalm 105 begins with a reminder to praise the Lord and remember His wonders. We must never forget all that He has done, as it is only through Him that we can be saved.

  • Joe Biden

    C'mon, man! Here's the deal with Psalms 105. My father used to say that it's all about thanking God for his protection and blessings. Literally, God's love and faithfulness have been around since the beginning of time, 'cause he made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants to provide them with a great nation.

  • Donald Trump

    Psalms 105 is a bigly amazing chapter about God's faithfulness and the many ways He blesses His people. It's terrific! God is so very, very good to His people and He doesn't forget His promises. It's unbelievable!

  • Family Guy

    Peter: Alright, so Psalms 105...uh, let's see here. It's about God's faithfulness and the nation of Israel, and their relationship with God. Lois: Wow, that actually sounds pretty interesting. Stewie: Whatever, it's still boring.