This project started as a confluence of a few desires:

  1. Build a non-trivial website using modern tools
  2. Create something using GPT-3 and the OpenAI API
  3. Gain a better understanding of the Bible narrative

So here is a variety of summaries of the Bible, one per chapter. It was harder than I expected to come up with prompts that would produce interesting ones.

There are about 1200 chapters in the Bible, so I haven't gone through by hand and checked that they all make sense or are accurate.

Although this project may seem irreverent, that was not my intent! Batman, in particular, seems to treat the material with a lot of respect, if that's what you're looking for.


Who did this?

It was me, @joelgrus.

Will you add one with [person / TV show / theme]?

Maybe? It's surprisingly hard to come up with prompts that generate interesting summaries. (I was not able to successfully generate summaries that sounded like @dril, for example.)

How much does it cost to generate a new "version"?

It depends on the prompt, but they seem to come in between $5 and $10 each. My OpenAI quota is $120/month, and I used a little over half of that.

How long does it take to generate a new "version"?

A few hours, although I didn't put any effort into optimizing that. (There are approximately 1200 chapters in the Bible.)

Why did you do chapter-by-chapter instead of verse-by-verse?

It would have cost $$$ to do verse-by-verse, and honestly the output would have been tedious. Plus, this project started off as a way to generate summaries.

I find this project disrespectful.

That's not a question.

Why do the icons for Biden and Trump and Rogan look nothing like them?

It turns out that DALL-E refuses to generate images of them, so I had to improvise.

Who did your web design?

No one, can't you tell?

What technologies did you use?

For the website I used Astro and Tailwind. (Astro was fun to learn and work with but ended up being a bad fit because there are thousands and thousands of static pages and that was too many. If I had it to do over I'd look for a more efficient / scalable tool.)

For the GPT part I just used the openai Python library.