"Holy Scriptures, Batman!"
Batman: Holy Scripture, Robin! This chapter talks about the beginning of the world. Robin: Gosh, it's so amazing that God created the world in seven days! Joker: Oh, puh-leeze! What kind of silly story is this? →
Batman: Out of the land of Egypt, God called unto Moses and said, "Go, and gather the elders of Israel, and tell them I have heard their cries of bondage and bondage to Pharaoh." Robin: Gosh Batman, the Israelites have been living in servitude for years! →
Batman: The Lord spoke to Moses from the Tent of Meeting, commanding him to tell the people of Israel that they must sacrifice a male animal without defect. Robin: That was a strange thing to tell them. →
Batman: 'Greetings, Robin! The first chapter of Numbers is all about taking a census of the people of Israel. Robin: Right-o, Batman! The Lord tells Moses to count all the men between the ages of 20 and 60 who were able to go to war. →
Batman: Robin, let us review the exciting chapter of Deuteronomy 1! Robin: Yes, Batman! Batman: God sent Moses to lead the Israelites to the land of Canaan. Robin: So exciting! Batman: Indeed! Moses then gathered the people together, reminding them of all the laws that God had given them. →
Batman: Quickly Robin, prepare for battle! Robin: Yes sir, Batman! Joker: What is going on? Batman: Joshua is about to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land to conquer it. Joker: Sounds like a challenge! →
Batman: Robin, I've been hearing reports of a great battle taking place in the land of Canaan. Robin: Holy biblical battles, Batman! What can we do? Batman: We must investigate! The Book of Judges tells us that the Israelites are fighting against the Canaanites. →
Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have been called to the ancient land of Moab to investigate the story of Ruth. Robin: What’s the story, Batman? Batman: Well, it seems an Israelite family had to flee their homeland due to a severe famine, so they moved to the land of Moab. →
1 Samuel
Batman: Robin, it's time to review the Bible chapter by chapter. Robin: Yes, Batman! What chapter do you want to start with? Batman: Let's start with 1 Samuel Chapter 1! In this chapter, we learn about a man named Elkanah who had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. →
2 Samuel
Batman: An Amalekite has shown up at the gates of Jerusalem, carrying news of Saul's death. Robin: Wow, that's terrible! What happened? Batman: Apparently Saul and his sons were killed in battle by the Philistines. →
1 Kings
Batman: Robin, I received a distress call from King David who needs our help. Robin: Holy help needed, Batman! What's going on? Batman: It appears that Adonijah, David's son, has declared himself king and is trying to take the throne for himself. →
2 Kings
Batman: Robin, it looks like we have a case in the book of 2 Kings! Robin: Who do we need to investigate, Batman? Batman: Ahah! King Ahaziah is in trouble. He asked the prophets of Baal to help him, but they couldn't do anything for him. →
1 Chronicles
Batman: Holy history lesson, Robin! Let's talk about the first chapter of 1 Chronicles. Robin: Right you are, Batman! It starts with a list of the descendants of Adam, Noah, and the other patriarchs. →
2 Chronicles
Batman: Ah, Robin, it looks like we have a new mission on our hands. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: We must summarize 2 Chronicles 1! Robin: Gosh, that sounds like a tricky one, Batman. What is 2 Chronicles 1 about? →
Batman: Robin, The Joker and his henchmen have been up to their old tricks again! Robin: What did they do this time, Batman? Batman: It seems they were trying to stir up trouble in Babylon. King Cyrus of Persia issued a proclamation allowing the Jews who had been taken captive to Babylon to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. →
Batman: Robin, something terrible has happened in the land of Judah! Nehemiah: What is it, Batman? Batman: Nehemiah, the Cup-Bearer to the King of Persia, has just heard from some of his people that the walls of Jerusalem have been destroyed, and the gates have been burned down. →
Batman: Robin, it's time to review the story of Esther 1! Robin: Right, Batman! In this chapter, the Persian King Ahasuerus throws a lavish feast that lasts 180 days. Batman: That's right, young ward! After the feast, he throws another seven day party and invites all the nobles, governors, and princes of the 127 provinces to his palace. →
(Batman and Robin enter the scene) Batman: Greetings, Robin. What do we have here? Robin: It's Job 1, Batman! It's a story about a man named Job who was a loyal follower of God. Batman: Hmm. What happened to him? →
Batman: "Well, Robin, the Book of Psalms is a collection of songs, poems, and prayers. And today, we're looking at Psalm 1!" Robin: "Gosh, Batman, what does it say?" Batman: "It says that the righteous person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither. →
Batman: Ah, Robin, we have a new mission: summarizing Proverbs 1! Robin: Holy double-take, Batman! What can we expect to find in this chapter? Batman: The wisdom of Solomon, Robin! He writes of the value of wisdom and understanding, and warns against rejecting them or choosing foolishness instead. →
Batman: Robin, I've been studying the Bible, and I've come to Ecclesiastes. Robin: It's a book of wisdom, right, Batman? Batman: Yes, indeed! Ecclesiastes 1 starts off with the words "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. →
Song of Solomon
Batman: Robin, let us explore the ancient book of Song of Solomon. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: Our first verse comes from the beloved of the narrator, who speaks of a desire to be with their beloved. →
Robin: Holy Bible Stories, Batman! What do you make of Isaiah 1? Batman: It's a doozy, Robin. In Isaiah 1, the prophet Isaiah is telling the people of Judah that God is displeased with their wickedness and their lack of faith. →
Robin: Holy prophecies, Batman! What's Jeremiah 1 all about? Batman: It's the first chapter of the book of Jeremiah. It tells us about the call of Jeremiah to be a prophet of God. Joker: Oh, come on! Prophecies are so boring! →
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! It looks like the city of Jerusalem is in a lot of trouble. Batman: Aye, Robin. Lamentations 1 tells us that the once-great city is now desolate and destroyed, with no one to help her. →
Batman: Holy Smokes, Robin! Just when we thought our work was done, Ezekiel has a vision of four strange creatures! Robin: Ooh, gosh, Batman, what did they look like? Batman: They had a human form but each creature had four faces and four wings. →
Batman: "Greetings, Robin. It appears we have been called to ancient Babylon to investigate a young man named Daniel. He is a Hebrew in captivity, and it appears he and his friends have been chosen to be tested by the king. →
Batman: Greetings, Robin. Our mission today is to explore the book of Hosea. Robin: What shall we discover, Batman? Batman: Hosea 1 tells us about the prophet's call to preach God's word. He was told to marry an adulterous woman, a sign of God's love for Israel despite their unfaithfulness. →
Batman: Robin, something is amiss in the holy book of Joel. Robin: What is it, Batman? Riddler: Ha! I know! It's the first chapter of the book of Joel! Batman: Right you are, Riddler. The Lord has issued a call to lamentation and mourning in the land. →
Batman: Robin, it's time to tackle the book of Amos! Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What is this book about? Batman: Amos is a prophet of God who speaks out against the nations surrounding Israel. He foretells of the coming judgment, and calls Israel to repentance. →
Batman: Robin, we must hurry to the Book of Obadiah! We must stop the villains from wreaking havoc on the land of Edom! Robin: But why, Batman? What is Edom? Batman: Edom is the land of the descendants of Esau. →
(Batman and Robin are in the Batcave, looking at a computer screen with the text of Jonah 1) Batman: So, Robin, it's time to read the first chapter of the book of Jonah. Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! Are you sure this is a good idea? →
Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have a new mission to undertake - the book of Micah! Robin: Holy scriptures, Batman! What do we need to know? Batman: The Lord speaks through the prophet Micah to the cities of Judah. →
Batman: Robin, have you read Nahum 1? Robin: Yes, Batman! It speaks of God's judgement on a terrible nation. Catwoman: Well, it's about time someone put those villains in their place! Batman: Indeed. →
Batman: "Greetings, Robin. It seems the prophet Habakkuk has a problem: why must the righteous suffer at the hands of the wicked? He's asking God to explain." Robin: "Holy injustice, Batman! What did God say?" →
Batman: Robin! It's time to learn about the book of Zephaniah! Robin: What can you tell me, Batman? Batman: Zephaniah is a book of prophecy which foretells of God's judgement on the wicked nations. Riddler: Hah! I'm sure God won't do much to stop me! →
Batman: Robin, the people of Israel have been rebuilding the temple of the Lord for nearly 15 years, and yet it still remains unfinished. Robin: Holy unfinished construction, Batman! What can we do? →
Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! The book of Zechariah is a prophet's message from the Lord, delivered to the people of Judah. Robin: What did the Lord have to say, Batman? Batman: He spoke a warning of punishment, reminding them of their sins and the consequences of disobedience. →
Batman: To all you evildoers out there, beware! We've received a warning from the Book of Malachi, Chapter 1. Robin: Yes, Batman, Malachi condemns those who don't show proper respect for God and desecrate His Sanctuary. →
Batman: To the Bat-Cave, Robin! We've got work to do! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: We've got to summarize the Bible for the folks at home! Robin: Wow, that's a big project! Where should we start? →
Batman: "Holy Bible, Robin! We must pay close attention to Mark 1! It tells the story of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ! Robin: "Gosh Batman, that's right! John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness and started preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. →
Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! Luke 1 tells us the story of Zechariah, a priest, and his wife, Elizabeth. Batman: Zechariah was chosen by God to enter the holy temple and offer incense. Joker: But, while he was in the temple an angel appeared to him and told him that Elizabeth would bear a son, even though she was old and had been barren. →
Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! It's time to learn about John 1! Robin: Holy bible, Batman! I'm ready to read up on John 1. Batman: In John 1, we learn about the Word of God and how He was with God in the beginning and how He created everything. →
1-11 Batman: (narrating) Previously on Batman... Robin: Yeah, things were looking pretty grim. But then it happened. Joker: What happened? Batman: Our Lord Jesus, after being seen by the apostles for forty days, was taken up into heaven. →
Batman: Holy Scripture, Batman! We've been presented with a challenge - to write a summary of the Bible, chapter by chapter, in the campy style of the 1960s Batman TV show! Robin: And here we are, at the book of Romans, Chapter 1. →
1 Corinthians
Batman: Greetings, Robin. It seems we have been called upon to summarize the mystery and majesty of the Bible's first epistle to the Corinthians. Robin: Ah, yes, the great Apostle Paul! What a remarkable man! →
2 Corinthians
Batman: Robin, we must investigate the mysterious case of 2 Corinthians 1! Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! What do we know? Batman: We know that the author, the Apostle Paul, is writing to the Church in Corinth. →
Batman: Greetings, old chum. We must discuss the chapter of Galatians 1. Robin: It's a most curious one, Batman. The Apostle Paul is writing to the churches in Galatia to remind them of the true gospel. →
Batman: Greetings, Robin. This chapter of the Bible is about the glorious blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon us. Robin: Yes, Batman. We are truly blessed! Batman: Indeed, Robin. Paul writes that we have been chosen in Christ before the creation of the world, and made holy and blameless in Gods’ sight. →
Batman: "Greetings, Robin! We are on a mission to review the Bible chapter by chapter. Let us begin with Philippians 1!" Robin: "Aye, aye, Batman! What should we look for in this chapter?" Batman: "Philippians 1 is all about encouragement. →
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What is the chapter about? Batman: Colossians 1 is about the great mystery of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ! Joker: Oh, what a bore! Batman: Quite the contrary, Joker. →
1 Thessalonians
Batman: Greetings, Robin. We have been asked by our beloved Commissioner Gordon to investigate the ancient writings of 1 Thessalonians. Robin: How exciting! What do these writings contain? Batman: The writings tell of how the Thessalonian Christians were commended for their faith and love, and for their strong example of how to live in faith and love. →
2 Thessalonians
Joker: "Ha ha ha! It's time to wreak havoc on the good people of Thessaloniki! Batman: Not so fast, Joker! We must heed the words of 2 Thessalonians 1! Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy greet the church of the Thessalonians and remind them of their faith in the face of all their sufferings. →
1 Timothy
Batman: Robin, I'm afraid we have a problem. It seems that a man named Hymenaeus has been teaching false doctrines and leading people astray. Robin: What a scoundrel! But what can we do, Batman? Batman: We must stop him! Fortunately, Paul wrote a letter to Timothy, a young pastor in the city of Ephesus, and gave him instructions on how to handle this situation. →
2 Timothy
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What's happening in this chapter? Batman: It seems that Paul is writing a letter to Timothy, his beloved son in the faith. Joker: Aw, isn't that sweet? *chuckles* Batman: He's encouraging Timothy to not be ashamed of the gospel, and to be bold in proclaiming it. →
Batman: Robin, it's time to take on Titus 1! Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! Batman: That's right, Robin. Paul is writing to Titus, a young leader in the church, and he's giving him instructions on how to be a good leader. →
Batman: Greetings, Robin! It seems as though we have a mission to complete. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: We must take a look into the Book of Philemon. Robin: What shall we find there? Batman: Paul is writing a letter to Philemon, the Christian leader of a house church in Colossae. →
Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have a new mission today, and it requires us to review the Bible. Robin: Holy smoke, Batman! What can I expect to learn? Batman: It is said that God spoke through the prophets of old, but now He has spoken to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. →
Batman: Ah, Robin, let us turn our attention to the Book of James. Robin: What can we expect to learn, Batman? Batman: The first chapter of James tells us that trials and temptations are God's way of testing our faith and leading us to a greater understanding of His will. →
1 Peter
Batman: Holy Bible, Robin! We have a new mission! Robin: What's that, Batman? Batman: We must summarize the first chapter of 1 Peter! Robin: Holy cow! What does it say? Batman: It reminds us that though we may suffer in this life, our faith in God will ultimately bring us salvation and a joyous reunion with Him. →
2 Peter
Batman: Robin, we must go investigate 2 Peter 1! Robin: What's the mission, Batman? Batman: The mission is to find out what Peter says about living a life devoted to God! Catwoman: What does Peter have to say? →
1 John
Batman: Robin, this is 1 John 1. Robin: Holy Bibles, Batman! What does John have to tell us? Batman: He tells us that what he heard and saw and touched, he is writing about. He heard about the life of Jesus, saw it with his own eyes, and touched it with his own hands. →
2 John
Batman: Robin, we've encountered a strange new presence in Gotham City. A mysterious figure has appeared, and is teaching about love, joy, and faith. Robin: It sounds like a message of peace! Who is this figure? →
3 John
Batman: Greetings, old chum! We have received word of a letter sent from the Apostle John to Gaius. Robin: What does the letter say, Batman? Batman: John is sending his greetings to Gaius and commending him for his hospitality. →
Batman: "Old chum, our next chapter is Jude 1. It tells us to be ready to defend our faith and to help others do the same." Robin: "Holy Cow, Batman! That sounds like a real challenge!" Joker: "Ha ha ha! You better be careful, Dynamic Duo, or you might get in over your heads!" →
Batman: "Greetings, Robin! I've just been reading Revelation 1 and it's quite a wild ride. It speaks of a vision of Jesus, clothed in a robe reaching down to His feet, with a golden sash around His chest. →