Joker: "Ha ha ha! It's time to wreak havoc on the good people of Thessaloniki!

Batman: Not so fast, Joker! We must heed the words of 2 Thessalonians 1!

Robin: What does it say, Batman?

Batman: Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy greet the church of the Thessalonians and remind them of their faith in the face of all their sufferings.

Joker: Sufferings? Who wants to suffer?

Batman: Indeed, the faithful of Thessaloniki have gone through much, and God will reward them for their faith. He will also punish those who oppose Him.

Robin: So, if anyone is causing trouble, they're going to be in trouble!

Joker: Oh, no! I better watch out!

Batman: That's right, Joker! God's justice will be swift and sure!