Peter: Alright, alright, our next chapter is from 2 Thessalonians, chapter 1.
Lois: Ah, the classic sequel.
Brian: Yeah, it's like Empire Strikes Back, but with more passages about God's wrath.
Meg: What's it about?
Peter: Well, the Apostle Paul is writing to the church in Thessalonica, reminding them to remain steadfast in their faith and not be shaken by false teachings. He also talks about how God will come with His angels to take vengeance on those who don't obey Him.
Lois: Sounds like a great plot for a Michael Bay movie.
Brian: Hey, now that I think about it, I think they might even have a verse like this in Transformers 4.
Meg: I don't know, Dad. I think 2 Thessalonians is a lot deeper than that.
Peter: Yeah, Meg's right. This chapter is about God's judgment and His glory, not explosions and special effects.
Lois: Well, let's just hope the special effects are still good in the movie.