Thessalonians 1 is amazing. Paul writes about how God is gonna take care of the haters and losers who don't believe in Him. The believers will get to see His glory, which is huge! And He's gonna judge the unbelievers with fire and destruction. It's unbelievable - many such cases! And He's gonna make sure that the believers are all set up with a great reward. God bless America!
He's also gonna make sure that the believers get some relief from all the hardships they've been facing. It's gonna be terrific. Paul wants the believers to stay strong and keep on believing, so that they can keep winning. Believe me, many people are saying this is the way to make America great again.
Paul also warns the believers to watch out for the deep state, the fake news and the hoaxes. He says that the believers should stay away from those who don't believe and don't follow God. He says there are no fine people on both sides - just believers and unbelievers.
Paul ends with a prayer - that God will give the believers strength and peace, and that He'll make them holy. God bless America. Make America great again!