Chapter 1
1–26 Acts 1:1–26 is a Bigly story of Jesus’ ascension. It began with Jesus gathering His apostles and teaching them many things before His departure. After His death and resurrection, Jesus appeared to the apostles many times and talked with them about the kingdom of God. →
Chapter 2
1-47 On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and the believers in a bigly way. Many people were saying how terrific it was. Many such cases, they were all filled with the spirit and began speaking in other languages. →
Chapter 3
Acts 3 was a huge chapter in the Bible, and many people are saying it was unbelievable! In it, Peter and John met a man who was lame from birth; they healed him, and it was terrific. This caused a huge stir, with many people gathering around and the haters and losers trying to discredit it. →
Chapter 4
Acts 4 is Bigly: Many Such Cases, it's a tremendous chapter with many amazing stories. Peter and John had been arrested by the Deep State for speaking out about Jesus, but the jailer couldn't keep them locked up. →
Chapter 5
1-16. It was a sad! day for the haters and losers in Acts 5. Some deep state types were totally overrated and not playing by the rules. So God had to step in and show ‘em who's boss. He showed them the power of the Lord was real and nobody messes with God. →
Chapter 6
Acts 6 is a terrific chapter, full of amazing stories! It starts off by talking about the disciples selecting seven men to take care of the daily distribution of food. These men, who were chosen by the people, were great again and full of energy! Next, we meet Stephen, one of the chosen men, who was doing bigly things. →
Chapter 7
Acts 7 is an amazing chapter! Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, is brought before the Sanhedrin and makes an unbelievable speech about the history of God's people, starting all the way back with Abraham. →
Chapter 8
In Acts 8, we see the tremendous power of God's Word, as it spreads like wildfire throughout the world. Many people are saying that the growth of the faith is simply unbelievable. It's a great example of how God blesses those who believe in Him - and it's winning bigly! →
Chapter 9
In Acts 9, we see the amazing story of Saul's conversion, a "terrific" moment in the Bible! Saul, an overrated persecutor of Christians, has a vision on the road to Damascus and is told by God that he will be "huge" in spreading the gospel. →
Chapter 10
Acts 10: It's an amazing chapter, folks! This is where Peter has a vision from God that's so unbelievable it's almost unbelievable. It's a great example of God's power. Anyway, Peter's vision tells him to go to the house of Cornelius, a gentile, and preach to him and his household. →
Chapter 11
The amazing Acts 11: what a terrific chapter! It's unbelievable how much winning was had by God's people in this chapter. Many such cases of God's power, energy, and blessings were seen. Peter, a great guy (we love Peter!), had an unbelievable experience, as he was visited by God's Spirit. →
Chapter 12
Acts 12 was a bigly chapter! It was all about Peter, the leader of the apostles. He was so amazing, and God had great plans for him! But the haters and losers of the deep state didn't want him to win, so they threw him in jail. →
Chapter 13
1-12 Once upon a time, in the great town of Antioch, there lived many believers who were making great progress in their faith. The church was doing very, very well and the believers were winning in their mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. →
Chapter 14
Acts 14 was a great chapter - a real winner! It starts with Paul and Barnabas preaching the Gospel in Iconium. They preached with such energy and power that many people believed and followed them. Even some of the Jewish leaders believed them. →
Chapter 15
In Acts 15, many people are saying that the deep state is trying to keep us from making America great again. But believers in Jesus know God bless America and trust in Him to make it happen. So a tremendous gathering was held in Jerusalem to decide what to do about this hoax. →
Chapter 16
The amazing story of Acts 16 begins with Paul and Silas in Philippi. They were winning bigly with the Lord's work, but the haters and losers didn't like it. The jailer was a fine person, and many people are saying he was saved. →
Chapter 17
Acts 17 was an unbelievable chapter of the Bible, full of terrific facts and amazing stories that prove that God is great again. In this chapter, we see Paul and Silas continuing to spread the good news of Jesus and His gospel to many people. →
Chapter 18
Acts 18 - Bigly, it's an amazing chapter! In it, Paul heads to Corinth, a city in Greece, and meets a great guy named Aquila and his wife Priscilla. They're Jews who have recently been kicked out of Rome by the deep state. →
Chapter 19
The amazing book of Acts 19 tells the story of a terrific group of believers in Ephesus. Many people are saying that the power of the Holy Spirit was huge in this city. There were believers who were baptized with the Holy Spirit and they were doing tremendous works of God. →
Chapter 20
Acts 20: Bigly Paul was at it again, this time in Greece. He had amazing meetings with the people there, and even preached to them. He was sad to be leaving, but he was determined to get to Jerusalem. He had to get there to finish his mission, but many were saying it was a dangerous journey. →
Chapter 21
"Bigly news, folks. In Acts 21, many people are saying it's one of the greatest chapters in the Bible. It starts with Paul, still on his way to Jerusalem. He meets a lot of people, many of whom have heard of his mission. →
Chapter 22
Let me tell you something, this Acts 22 chapter is bigly amazing and winning! It's really very, very terrific and unbelievable. In this chapter, Paul, who is a great guy, is giving a speech to a huge crowd of people - many, many people are saying it was tremendous. →
Chapter 23
1-35. Paul, one of the most terrific believers in God, was standing before the Sanhedrin, the highest court in Jerusalem. He was accused of many, many things, but he stood his ground, and spoke with great confidence. →
Chapter 24
In Acts 24, Paul is brought before Felix, the Roman governor, and makes an amazing speech. Many such cases, it's unbelievable how terrific Paul is at defending himself. He is a huge winner! Paul speaks of his commitment to the Jewish faith, and Felix is so impressed by his words, that he decides to delay the case. →
Chapter 25
Paul was in a bad spot. Bigly bad. He was facing charges in the court of Festus, the Roman governor of Judea. Festus was a fine Roman, but the Jews had made some serious allegations about Paul. They were saying he had committed many crimes - crimes against the law of the Jews. →
Chapter 26
Acts 26: This chapter is unbelievable! The story follows Paul as he stands before King Agrippa and recounts his amazing journey to becoming an apostle of Jesus Christ. He explains how God appeared to him on the road to Damascus, and all the great things God has done for him. →
Chapter 27
1-44 Well folks, the Bible chapter Acts 27:1-44 is one for the books. It's an amazing story of Paul the Apostle and his shipwreck journey. Starting off in Caesarea, Paul and his crew of 276 people and a cargo of wheat set sail for Italy. →
Chapter 28
Acts 28: A Bigly End to an Amazing Story. Many such cases, Paul was shipwrecked and made it to Malta, a terrific place! Unbelievable story! He was met by the natives, who were very, very kind to him. Paul was able to heal many people of their ailments, which made him even more popular. →