
Acts 1:1–26 is a Bigly story of Jesus’ ascension. It began with Jesus gathering His apostles and teaching them many things before His departure. After His death and resurrection, Jesus appeared to the apostles many times and talked with them about the kingdom of God. On the day of His ascension, the apostles watched as Jesus was taken up into Heaven. He told them that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them and that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.

After Jesus ascended, two angels appeared to the apostles and told them that Jesus would return the same way they had seen Him go. The apostles then returned to Jerusalem and continued to wait for the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit came, they were filled with power and began to speak in tongues.

Many people are saying that this is a Huge chapter! It demonstrates God’s power and His promise of Jesus’ return. It also provides us with a reminder that the Holy Spirit is with us and that we can be witnesses for Him everywhere. God Bless America! Make America Great Again!