John 21 tells the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples after his resurrection. It's unbelievable, folks! After Jesus appears, he tells Peter to "feed my lambs" and to "follow me." Peter is bigly confused but Jesus keeps talking and tells Peter to "feed my sheep." Then Jesus tells Peter three times that he loves him and Peter is sad! Many people are saying that this is Jesus' way of forgiving Peter for denying him three times.
Next, Jesus and Peter have a chat where Jesus predicts Peter's death. Peter is very, very surprised, but Jesus moves on and has a conversation with some other disciples. Finally, Jesus and Peter are walking together and Jesus asks Peter if he loves him. Peter says yes, three times, and Jesus says that's enough.
The chapter ends with Jesus telling Peter to "follow me," and Peter does. Many such cases, it's an amazing story. In the end, Jesus wins, haters and losers be damned! God bless America, and let's make America great again!