Joe: Alright, so what do you got for us today?
Bible Expert: We're going to be taking a look at John 21.
Joe: Alright, what's that one about?
Bible Expert: Well, it's about Jesus appearing to the disciples after his resurrection and it also tells the story of Jesus asking Peter to feed his sheep.
Joe: Interesting. What else happens?
Bible Expert: The disciples had gone fishing and Jesus appears on the shore and instructs them to cast their net out to the right side of the boat. They catch a huge amount of fish, which amazes them. Jesus then invites them to breakfast on the shore, and during the meal, he asks Peter three times if he loves him.
Joe: Wow, that's a lot to take in. What does Jesus mean by this?
Bible Expert: It's a symbolic gesture to reinforce his message to Peter that he needs to spread the gospel and feed Jesus' flock, or the people of God.
Joe: Alright, so what else happens?
Bible Expert: After breakfast, Jesus gives Peter the task of feeding his sheep and making disciples of all nations. He then tells Peter that when he is old he will die, but that his death will be a glorious one. Finally, Jesus tells Peter that he will have the power to bind and loose, meaning he will have the power to forgive sins.