• Chapter 1

    Joe: Alright, so we have our Bible expert here, let's dive into Psalms 1. What does it say? Expert: Well, the Psalm begins by praising the person who does not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the company of mockers.

  • Chapter 2

    Joe: Alright so what do you got for us today? Bible Expert: Psalms 2. It’s a psalm of David. Joe: Oh yeah? What’s that mean? Bible Expert: It means it was written by David, probably to express his feelings towards an event or events happening in his life.

  • Chapter 3

    Joe: Alright welcome to the show, we have an expert on the Bible here today to give us a chapter by chapter summary of the Bible. Let's start with Psalms 3! Bible Expert: Sure thing. Psalms 3 is a psalm written by David as he was fleeing from his rebellious son Absalom.

  • Chapter 4

    Joe: Alright, so I've got Bible Expert here and we're going to talk about Psalms 4. Bible Expert, what does Psalms 4 tell us? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 4 is a prayer of David to God for deliverance from his enemies.

  • Chapter 5

    Joe: Alright, so what is this chapter about? Bible Expert: The fifth Psalm is a prayer of David that is both a plea for protection and a plea for justice against those who do evil. Joe: Interesting.

  • Chapter 6

    Joe: Alright, so what do we got here? Bible Expert: We're looking at Psalms 6. Joe: Right, so what's it about? Bible Expert: Well, it's a prayer from the psalmist, asking God for help and mercy. The psalmist is in distress, and he is asking God to help him and be merciful.

  • Chapter 7

    Joe: Alright, so Bible Expert, what’s going on in Psalms 7? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, this psalm is a bit of a prayer to God asking for help and deliverance from enemies. It’s written by King David, who is in a time of distress.

  • Chapter 8

    Joe: Hey, so what do you got for us? Bible Expert: Well, this is Psalms 8. It’s a song of praise to God, written by King David. It begins by asking God how awesome and powerful He is, and how wonderful it is that He’s made humans so important in His creation.

  • Chapter 9

    Joe: Welcome back to the podcast everyone, today I have with me a Bible expert and we’re going to go through the Bible chapter by chapter. Let’s start with Psalms 9. Bible Expert: Psalms 9 talks about thanking God for delivering justice and mercy to the faithful.

  • Chapter 10

    Joe: Alright, so I'm here with Bible Expert, and we're talking about Psalms 10. What can you tell us about it? Bible Expert: Sure. Psalms 10 is written by David, who is a man of great faith. He praises God for His faithfulness and mercy, and he also expresses his deep sorrow for the difficulties he is facing.

  • Chapter 11

    Joe: Alright, so, tell me about the 11th Psalm. This is a Bible chapter right? Bible Expert: That's right Joe. Psalms 11 is a poem of trust in God composed by King David. In this chapter David expresses his faith in God, even in the midst of danger and chaos.

  • Chapter 12

    Joe: Alright, so what have we got here? Psalms 12? Bible Expert: Yes, Psalms 12 is one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible. It talks about the power of God and how he will protect those who trust in him.

  • Chapter 13

    Joe: Alright, so I'm here with a Bible Expert and we're going to talk about Psalms 13. Let's dive right in, what can you tell us about this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 13 is a prayer of lament by King David.

  • Chapter 14

    Joe: Alright, so we got a Bible expert with us today. Let's start with Psalms 14. What does it say? Bible Expert: Psalms 14 is a Psalm of David. It is a reflection on the state of the world and how it is far from perfect.

  • Chapter 15

    Joe: Alright, so we got the Bible here, and we're gonna talk about Psalms 15. So what's this one about? Bible Expert: Well, Psalm 15 is a short passage in the Bible that speaks about who is worthy to enter the presence of God and what kind of behavior is required of them.

  • Chapter 16

    Joe: Alright, so what do we have in Psalms 16? Bible Expert: This is a song of trust and assurance in God. The Psalmist writes that God is his portion and his inheritance, and no matter what happens, he will not be shaken.

  • Chapter 17

    Joe: Alright! So, we're talking about Psalms 17 today. Let me get my Bible Expert back on the line! Welcome back, so tell us what this chapter is all about. Expert: Sure! Psalms 17 is a psalm of David, written as a plea to God to protect him from his enemies.

  • Chapter 18

    Joe Rogan: Alright, so we're talking about Psalms 18. This is a chapter from the Bible, right? Bible Expert: That's right. The Psalms are a collection of 150 poems written by various authors in the Old Testament.

  • Chapter 19

    Joe: Alright, we've got Bible expert, [INSERT NAME], on the show today to give us an overview of Psalms 19. Joe, what can you tell us about this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 19 is a song of praise to God, written by King David.

  • Chapter 20

    Joe: Alright, so we’re here with our Bible expert and he’s gonna tell us about Psalms 20. Let’s hear it! Bible Expert: Sure, in Psalms 20, the author is praying for God’s help in times of distress. He begins by asking God to answer him in the day of trouble, and then goes on to pray for God’s protection and salvation.

  • Chapter 21

    Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Psalms 21, the Bible expert. What can you tell us about it? Bible Expert: Well, the Psalm is a prayer of triumph in which the Psalmist looks to the Lord for protection and deliverance.

  • Chapter 22

    Joe: Alright, so we've got the Bible Expert here today, and we're gonna be talking about Psalms 22. Can you give us a quick overview of what this chapter is all about? Bible Expert: Sure. Psalm 22 is one of the most famous and powerful psalms, and it's written by King David.

  • Chapter 23

    Joe: Alright, so I'm here today with a Bible Expert and we're talking about Psalms 23. What's it all about? Bible Expert: Well Joe, Psalms 23 is a very famous chapter of the Bible. It’s a psalm, or a prayer, written by King David and is often referred to as the Shepherd’s Psalm because of the many references to God as a shepherd.

  • Chapter 24

    Joe: Welcome to the show our guest today is a Bible Expert here to take us through the book of Psalms chapter by chapter. Let's dive right in. Bible Expert: Psalms 24 is a song of ascension written by King David.

  • Chapter 25

    Joe: Alright, so we got our Bible Expert in the house! Let's talk about Psalms 25. Can you give me the quick summary? Expert: Sure! Psalms 25 is a song of David that expresses his trust in God. He asks God to teach him the right way to live and to show him mercy, despite his sins.

  • Chapter 26

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about Psalms 26? Bible Expert: Sure, Joe. Psalms 26 is a Psalm written by King David and it is a prayer for God's mercy and protection. It is full of trust in God, and David is asking for God to protect him from his enemies.

  • Chapter 27

    Joe: Alright, let's talk about Psalms 27. What can you tell us about it? Bible Expert: In Psalms 27, David expresses his reliance on God for protection, even in the midst of his enemies. He expresses faith that God will protect him and that he will be given victory over his enemies.

  • Chapter 28

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about Psalms 28? Bible Expert: Psalms 28 is a prayer of King David asking God for help and protection. David calls on God to listen to his cry for help and to be his strength.

  • Chapter 29

    Joe: Alright, so we're looking at Psalms 29. What can you tell me about this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 29 is a song of praise to God, and it's full of powerful imagery and metaphor. The psalmist calls on the heavenly hosts to praise God, and proclaims God's power in the storm and earthquake.

  • Chapter 30

    Joe: Alright, so what do we have here? Bible Expert: Well, this is the thirtieth psalm from the Bible. It's a song of thanksgiving from David to God after being rescued from a difficult situation. Joe: That sounds intense.

  • Chapter 31

    Joe: Alrighty then, we got a Bible expert here in the studio, let's hear what he has to say about Psalms 31. Bible Expert: Well the Psalms are a collection of songs and poems written by David, a King of Israel.

  • Chapter 32

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about Psalms 32? Bible Expert: Sure, Psalms 32 is a wisdom psalm written by King David. It has a very strong emphasis on forgiveness and the benefits of confessing your sins.

  • Chapter 33

    Joe: Alright, so today we have a Bible expert on the show to talk about Psalms 33. What’s the deal with this chapter, man? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, Psalms 33 is a chapter of praise and thanksgiving to God.

  • Chapter 34

    Joe: Alright, so we've got Psalms 34. What's going on there? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 34 is a psalm of David. It's a song of praise and thanksgiving to God for his faithfulness in delivering David from his enemies.

  • Chapter 35

    Joe: Alright, so let's talk about Psalms 35! What's the deal with this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 35 is a prayer of David, asking God to protect him from his enemies and enemies of justice. He pleads with God to fight for him and to bring his enemies down.

  • Chapter 36

    Joe: Alright, so tell us about Psalms 36. Bible Expert: Sure Joe, Psalms 36 is a prayer of confidence in God and a warning against the wicked. It begins by describing the wickedness of the wicked and how the Lord is their refuge.

  • Chapter 37

    Joe: Alright, so let's talk about Psalms 37, what's going on there? Bible Expert: Sure, Joe. In Psalms 37, the psalmist encourages us to trust in the Lord and not worry about the wicked. He says that the wicked may seem to prosper for a time, but ultimately the Lord will bring about justice and the wicked will be cut off.

  • Chapter 38

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about Psalms 38? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 38 is a lament psalm of David. It's full of grief and remorse, as David cries out to God for mercy and forgiveness. He's begging for God to take away his pain and suffering, which he believes is due to his sins.

  • Chapter 39

    Joe: Alright, we're back and today we have a Bible expert on the show! Welcome to the show! Expert: Thanks so much for having me. Joe: So we're talking about the Book of Psalms, specifically Psalm 39.

  • Chapter 40

    Joe: Alright, so what do you got for us? Bible Expert: So, I'll be talking about Psalms 40, which is a psalm of David. Joe: Interesting! What does it say? Bible Expert: Well, it starts off with David praising God for delivering him from his troubles.

  • Chapter 41

    Joe: Alright, welcome back everyone! We have a special guest today, a Bible Expert, who is here to help us break down what's happening in the Bible chapter by chapter. So, let's jump right in with Psalms 41.

  • Chapter 42

    Joe: Alright, so we got a Bible Expert in the house. What's the story with Psalms 42? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 42 is a lament of the psalmist. He's in a deep depression and is yearning for the joys of God in the temple.

  • Chapter 43

    Joe: Alright, so I'm here with a Bible Expert and we're talking about Psalms 43. So, what can you tell me about Psalms 43? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, in Psalms 43, we are presented with a prayer for help from the Psalmist.

  • Chapter 44

    Joe: Alright, so what are we going over today? Bible Expert: Today, we will be discussing Psalms 44. Joe: Oh, I love Psalms! So tell me what this one is about! Bible Expert: This Psalm is a lament of the people of Israel and their struggle against their enemies.

  • Chapter 45

    Joe: This is so exciting! I'm here with an expert on the Bible and we're talking about Psalms 45. Let's dig right in! Expert: Sure, Psalms 45 is a short love poem written by the Jewish king David. It's mostly a celebration of the king's wedding.

  • Chapter 46

    Joe: Alright, so we have a Bible expert here with us today. Let's hear what he has to say about Psalms 46. Bible Expert: Sure, Psalms 46 is a song of praise and encouragment to God. It talks about how God is a stronghold in times of trouble, and how God will protect us from our enemies.

  • Chapter 47

    Joe: Alright folks, welcome back to the show! We have an amazing guest today, a Bible expert, who is here to tell us all about the Book of Psalms! So let's jump right in, what can you tell us about chapter 47?

  • Chapter 48

    Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Psalms 48. What's the gist of it? Bible Expert: Sure. This Psalm is a song praising God that was written by King David. It's about how great and powerful God is and how He protects the city of Jerusalem.

  • Chapter 49

    Joe: Alright, alright, alright! So we got Bible Expert here and we're gonna talk about Psalms 49. Expert, what can you tell me about this chapter? Expert: Well Joe, Psalms 49 is a Wisdom Psalm and it's all about highlighting the foolishness of trusting in riches.

  • Chapter 50

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about Psalms 50? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 50 is a Psalm of Asaph, and it's a call to worship the Lord. It begins with God speaking from the heavens, calling on all people and creatures to praise him and acknowledge his power and might.

  • Chapter 51

    Joe: Alright, so we got a Bible Expert here, and he's going to give us a summary of Psalms 51. Let's hear it. Bible Expert: Sure. Psalms 51 is a prayer for mercy and forgiveness from King David. David is confessing his sins and asking for God's mercy and forgiveness.

  • Chapter 52

    Joe: Alright, so let me get this straight. We're talking about Psalms 52. What does this chapter tell us? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 52 is a poem about the downfall of a wicked man. It's written by David and it is basically a warning to anyone who might be tempted to put their trust in their wealth and power.

  • Chapter 53

    Joe: Alright, let's get into Psalms 53. So, what's the gist of this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 53 is a lament by David, written in response to the foolishness of mankind. He questions why the wickedness of the world is allowed to prevail, despite God’s infinite power.

  • Chapter 54

    Joe: Hey everyone, welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience, I'm Joe Rogan and I'm here with Bible Expert, who is here to tell us all about Psalms 54. So, Bible Expert, why don't you take it away and tell us all about this chapter.

  • Chapter 55

    Joe: Alright, so we've got Psalms 55 today with our Bible expert. So what can you tell us about this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, it's a prayer of David, begging God for deliverance from enemies. He expresses his distress and distress about the situation he is in and expresses his trust in God even in the midst of it all.

  • Chapter 56

    Joe: Alright, so tell me about Psalms 56! Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 56 is a prayer and song of trust in God. The psalmist is asking God to deliver him from his enemies and pleading for God's help in times of distress.

  • Chapter 57

    Joe: Alright, so what’s the chapter we’re talking about? Bible Expert: We’re talking about Psalm 57. Joe: Alright, can you tell us a bit about what’s going on in this chapter? Bible Expert: Sure, so this is a Psalm of David where he is crying out to God for mercy.

  • Chapter 58

    Joe: Alright, so let's get into Psalms 58. What does it tell us about? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 58 is a prayer for justice. It talks about how wicked rulers oppress the righteous and how God should step in and judge them righteously.

  • Chapter 59

    Joe: Alright, today we're talking about Psalms 59. Tell us what it's all about. Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 59 is one of the Psalms of David. It's a prayer of trust in God's protection and a plea for God to save him from his enemies.

  • Chapter 60

    Joe: Alright, so tell me about Psalms 60. What's the story here? Bible Expert: Psalms 60 is a lamentation of the people of Israel in their distress. The author, King David, is asking God for help to overcome their enemies and restore their land.

  • Chapter 61

    Joe: Alright, so we have Bible expert on the show, let's hear what he has to say about Psalms 61. Bible Expert: Sure. Psalms 61 is a short chapter that focuses on prayer. It opens with a plea to God for protection from enemies, and then shifts to a plea for protection from any kind of trouble.

  • Chapter 62

    Joe: Alright, so we’ve got Bible Expert on the show today talking about Psalms 62! So, what’s the gist? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 62 is a short psalm that starts out with a declaration of trust in God, with the refrain of “God alone is my rock and my salvation; my fortress, I shall not be shaken.

  • Chapter 63

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell me about Psalms 63? Bible Expert: Well Joe, Psalms 63 is written by King David who is expressing his longing for God and the joy he finds in Him. He starts off by saying, "O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you.

  • Chapter 64

    Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Psalms 64 today. What can you tell me about this one? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 64 is a prayer for deliverance from enemies. The psalmist is pleading for God to intervene against his adversaries and protect him from their malicious schemes.

  • Chapter 65

    Joe: Alright so let’s talk about Psalms 65. What do we got? Bible Expert: Well Joe, this is a psalm of praise to God for answering prayer. It celebrates God's holiness and might, and recognizes His wonders.

  • Chapter 66

    Joe: Alright, so today we are talking about the book of Psalms, specifically chapter 66. Let's hear it from our Bible Expert. Bible Expert: In Psalms 66, the writer praises God for His greatness and His awesome might.

  • Chapter 67

    Joe: Alright, this is Joe Rogan and I'm here with Bible Expert, [Name], and we are talking about Psalms 67. So, [Name], what can you tell us about this chapter? Expert: Well Joe, Psalms 67 is a prayer for God's favor and protection for the people of Israel.

  • Chapter 68

    Joe: Alright, so, what do we got here? Psalms 68, right? Bible Expert: That's right Joe. Psalms 68 is a song of praise to God. It celebrates the power of God, and how He brings order and victory to the world.

  • Chapter 69

    Joe: Alright, so what do we have for us today? Bible Expert: Well, today we're talking about Psalms 69. Joe: Awesome! I've heard a lot about that one. Bible Expert: Yes, this psalm is attributed to King David and is written as a prayer for deliverance from distress.

  • Chapter 70

    Joe: Alright, so what’s going on in Psalms 70? Bible Expert: Well, it’s a psalm of David asking God to hasten and save him from his enemies. Joe: Wow, so he’s really in a tough spot, huh? Bible Expert: Yeah, he’s asking God to come quickly and rescue him from those who are trying to harm him.

  • Chapter 71

    Joe: Hey everyone! Today I'm joined by Bible Expert, [insert name], and we're talking about Psalms 71. So, [insert name], what can you tell us about this chapter? Bible Expert: Sure! Psalms 71 is a Psalm of David, written in the middle of his life as a cry for help to God.

  • Chapter 72

    Joe: Alright, we got a Bible expert on the show today! Let’s get into it! What chapter are we starting with today? Expert: We’re going to be looking at Psalms 72. Joe: Ah, what’s this one about? Expert: This Psalm is a prayer for the king and the people of Israel, asking that God would give him and the people justice, and that he would use his power to protect them.

  • Chapter 73

    Joe: Alright here we have a Bible expert and I'm so excited to learn about Psalms 73. What can you tell us about it? Expert: Well, Joe, Psalms 73 is a psalm of Asaph, who is a Levite and a musician in the court of King David.

  • Chapter 74

    Joe: Alright, so we got Psalms 74. What’s this one about? Bible Expert: Basically, Psalms 74 is a lament of sorts, written by Asaph. He’s asking God why he has allowed his enemies to devastate the temple, and why he has allowed them to take his holy things away.

  • Chapter 75

    Joe: Hey, so tell me about Psalms 75. Bible Expert: Sure, Psalms 75 is a song of praise to God written by Asaph. It talks about God's power, his justice, and the fact that the wicked will be punished and the righteous will be rewarded.

  • Chapter 76

    Joe: Alright, so we have Bible Expert on the show today. Let's hear what you have to say about Psalms 76. Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 76 is a song of praise to God. The psalmist is praising God for his greatness and power and for delivering his people from their enemies.

  • Chapter 77

    Joe: Alright, welcome back everybody. We have a real treat today. We have a Bible expert joining us to give us a summary of the book of Psalms chapter by chapter. Let's give him a big round of applause.

  • Chapter 78

    Joe: Alright, so what do we got here? Bible Expert: This is Psalms 78. Joe, it's a song of Asaph, a seer of Israel. It gives us a brief history lesson about Israel's ancestors, telling us about their faithfulness and disobedience to God.

  • Chapter 79

    Joe: Alright, we got a Bible Expert here with us today. What’s this chapter about? Bible Expert: Well, Psalm 79 is a lament of the people of Judah due to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by the Babylonians.

  • Chapter 80

    Joe: Alright, so what do you got for us? Bible Expert: Well Joe, in Psalms 80 the people of Israel are crying out to God for help. They lament their current situation and plead with God to restore them and bring back their prosperity.

  • Chapter 81

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about Psalms 81? Bible Expert: Psalm 81 is a song of praise to God. It starts with a call to worship and then transitions into a reminder of God's deliverance and protection of His people.

  • Chapter 82

    Joe: Alright so what's the chapter we're talking about today? Bible Expert: Psalms 82. Joe: Alright so what's it about? Bible Expert: Psalms 82 is about God's power and justice. It talks about how God is the judge of all the other rulers and gods and how he will defend the weak and the oppressed.

  • Chapter 83

    Joe: Alright, let's talk about Psalms 83. What can you tell us about this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 83 is a song of entreaty composed by Asaph, a Levite and choir director of the temple. The psalm calls on God to destroy Israel's enemies and vindicate His people.

  • Chapter 84

    Joe: Alright, so let's talk about Psalms 84. What can you tell us about this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 84 is a song of praise for God's temple. The psalmist marvels at the beauty of the Lord's sanctuary and the joy that it brings to those who dwell there.

  • Chapter 85

    Joe: Alright, so we are talking Psalms 85 with our Bible Expert! So what’s the deal? Bible Expert: Sure, so Psalms 85 is all about restoring relationships between God and His people. The Psalmist starts by asking God to restore His favor and to end the exile of His people.

  • Chapter 86

    Joe: Alright, so we've got Psalms 86. Whatcha got? Bible Expert: Well, this chapter is a prayer of David to God. He is asking that God would show him mercy and listen to his prayers, in spite of the trouble he is in.

  • Chapter 87

    Joe: Alright, we’re here with a Bible expert and he’s gonna tell us all about Psalms 87. So, what’s this one all about? Bible Expert: Well, Psalm 87 is a poem praising the city of Jerusalem, the holy city of Israel.

  • Chapter 88

    Joe: Alright, so what do you got for us on Psalms 88? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 88 is a lament, or a prayer of distress, crying out to God for his help and deliverance. It's written by the Israelite King Heman, and it starts off by praising God for His steadfast love and faithfulness.

  • Chapter 89

    Joe: Alright, let’s hear it. What’s Psalms 89 all about? Bible Expert: Well, the psalm opens with a lament over God’s faithfulness and lovingkindness, which the psalmist mourns has been forgotten by God.

  • Chapter 90

    Joe: Wow, so we are talking about Psalms 90 today with an expert Bible scholar. Tell us about this chapter. Bible Expert: Sure Joe. Psalms 90 is a prayer of Moses. He begins by praising God for his eternality and his great power.

  • Chapter 91

    Joe: Alright! We're back with Bible Expert, [Name], and we're gonna talk about Psalms 91. So this is a really popular one, right? Bible Expert: Yes, Joe, it's very popular. It's a powerful psalm of trust in God and His protection.

  • Chapter 92

    Joe: Alright, so, I'm here with Bible Expert and I want to talk about Psalms 92. Bible Expert: Sure, Joe. Psalms 92 is a psalm of thanksgiving to God for his power and goodness. It is attributed to King David and is quite short, only 8 verses.

  • Chapter 93

    Joe: Alright! So, we've got a Bible expert in the house and we're gonna be summarizing Psalms 93. What's the deal with this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 93 is all about the power of God and how God's rule is established over all of creation.

  • Chapter 94

    Joe: Alright, so what’s the deal with Psalms 94? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 94 is a hymn of praise and petition for God’s protection of his chosen people. It begins with a call to praise God for his justice and for his power to save the faithful.

  • Chapter 95

    Joe: Alright, so let's talk about Psalms 95. What can you tell me about it? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 95 is an invitation to worship and praise the Lord. It contains a call to joyfully give thanks to God for His greatness and goodness.

  • Chapter 96

    Joe: Alright, so what are we talking about today? Bible Expert: We're talking about Psalms 96. Joe: Alright, so what's it all about? Bible Expert: Psalms 96 is a psalm of praise. It's a call to worship God and to proclaim his greatness to all creation.

  • Chapter 97

    Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Psalms 97, what can you tell me about it? Bible Expert: Well, this Psalm is all about praising God, which is one of the major themes of the Bible. The Psalmist starts off by proclaiming that the Lord reigns, and then continues with a series of declarations of the Lord’s greatness.

  • Chapter 98

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about Psalms 98? Bible Expert: Sure, so this Psalm is all about praising God for His righteousness, justice, and salvation. Basically, it's a call to all of creation to celebrate and rejoice because of all the great things God has done.

  • Chapter 99

    Joe: Hey, what's up everybody? I'm Joe Rogan and I'm here with my Bible Expert friend, and we're going to be discussing Psalms 99. Bible Expert: Sure, Psalms 99 is a Psalm of praise to God. It starts with a call to all the people of the earth to praise the Lord and then goes on to celebrate the greatness of God's holiness and justice.

  • Chapter 100

    Joe: Alright, so we got Bible Expert on the show. What's the chapter we're talking about today? Bible Expert: Today we're talking about Psalms 100. Joe: Awesome! So, what's it about? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 100 is a song of praise for God for His faithfulness and goodness.

  • Chapter 101

    JOE: Alright, so what’s up with Psalms 101? BIBLE EXPERT: Well Joe, Psalm 101 is a song of David. It's about his desire to live a life of integrity and humility before God. JOE: Interesting! So what does it mean to live a life of integrity and humility?

  • Chapter 102

    Joe: Alright, so we have here with us a Bible expert to talk to us about the book of Psalms. Let's dive right in! What can you tell us about Psalm 102? Bible Expert: Sure. Psalm 102 is a lament psalm written by an unknown author.

  • Chapter 103

    Joe: Alright, so we're here with Bible Expert and I'm really excited to dive into Psalms 103. What can you tell me about this chapter? Bible Expert: Psalms 103 is a song of praise giving glory to God for His mercy and wonderful works.

  • Chapter 104

    Joe: Alright, let's hear it! What's going on in Psalms 104? Bible Expert: Psalms 104 is a song of praise to God for His creation of the world. The psalmist praises God for His power and His creative work, and he expresses his admiration for the beauty of the world that God has made.

  • Chapter 105

    Joe: Alright, so we've got Psalms 105! What is it about? Bible Expert: Well, it's a song of praise to the Lord, thanking Him for His many blessings and His faithfulness to the people of Israel. It's a reminder of the Lord's promises and encourages us to remember His goodness and to call upon Him in times of need.

  • Chapter 106

    Joe: Alright, alright, alright! I'm here with Bible Expert, let's see what we can learn about Psalms 106! Bible Expert: Well Joe, Psalms 106 is a hymn of thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness to Israel.

  • Chapter 107

    Joe Rogan: Alright, so we're talking about Psalms 107. Wow. This has been around for centuries and it's still being read and studied today, right? Bible Expert: Yes, that's right. Psalms 107 is a collection of poems and songs written by the ancient Israelites to give thanks to God.

  • Chapter 108

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about Psalms 108? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 108 is a psalm of David that contains a great deal of confidence in the power of God and His ability to deliver not only David but all of Israel from their enemies.

  • Chapter 109

    Joe: Alright, so what do you got for us today? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, I'm here to tell you about Psalms 109. Joe: Psalms 109? What's that about? Bible Expert: In this Psalm, David is asking God to take revenge on his enemies.

  • Chapter 110

    Joe: Alright, so what’s the story of Psalms 110? Bible Expert: Well, this is a prayer from David that speaks of the Lord’s promise to make David’s descendant, a future king, a ruler and priest forever.

  • Chapter 111

    Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Psalms 111 with Bible expert... What's your name again? Bible Expert: My name is John. Joe: Right, John. So, what's happening in Psalms 111? John: Psalms 111 is a song of praise to God for his faithfulness and the miracles he has done.

  • Chapter 112

    Joe: Alright, so I'm here with a Bible expert, and we are about to dive into Psalms 112. So what can you tell us about this chapter? Bible Expert: This chapter is one of the Wisdom Psalms, and is a hymn of praise to God, who is praised for His faithfulness and justice.

  • Chapter 113

    Joe: Alright, let's get into it. I'm here with Bible Expert, Dr. [insert name], and we're talking about Psalms 113. Dr. [Insert name]: Sure, this chapter is all about praising the Lord. It focuses on the greatness of God and how he is above all other things.

  • Chapter 114

    Joe: Hey everyone, I'm Joe and I'm here with Bible Expert and we're doing a Chapter by Chapter of the Bible. So what do we have today? Expert: Today we are going to look at Psalms 114. Joe: Wow, ok, so what's so special about this chapter?

  • Chapter 115

    Joe: Ok so let's talk about Psalms 115. What's going on here? Bible Expert: Well, this Psalm is a prayer of praise to God. It begins with a call to give glory to the Lord because He is the one who is sovereign and in control.

  • Chapter 116

    Joe: Alright, so what’s going on in Psalms 116? Bible Expert: Well, this is a psalm of thanksgiving. The writer is expressing gratitude to God for delivering him from death. Joe: Wow! What kind of death was he delivered from?

  • Chapter 117

    Joe: Hey everyone, welcome to the show! I'm Joe Rogan and I'm here with a Bible expert. Today we're going to be talking about Psalms 117. Expert: That's right, Joe. This is one of the most powerful and encouraging Psalms in the entire Bible.

  • Chapter 118

    Joe: Welcome to the show, Bible expert! Bible Expert: Thank you, Joe! It's great to be here. Joe: So, tell us about Psalms 118. Bible Expert: Absolutely! Psalms 118 is a song of praise to God. The psalmist invites all the nations to praise God and acknowledges that the Lord's steadfast love has been great toward Israel and that his right hand has worked salvation for them.

  • Chapter 119

    Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Psalms 119. What can you tell me? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, Psalms 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible, and it's all about the psalmist's love for God's Word. He praises God for giving him the law and commands others to do the same.

  • Chapter 120

    Joe: Alright, so let's talk about the Bible. We've got Psalms 120. Tell me what's going on in this chapter. Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 120 is a prayer of a man in distress. He's crying out to God for deliverance from his enemies, who are lying and deceitful.

  • Chapter 121

    Joe: Alright, so what do you got for us today? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 121 is all about trusting in God and taking refuge in Him. It starts off by asking a rhetorical question, "Where does my help come from?" And it answers itself by saying, "My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

  • Chapter 122

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about the Bible chapter of Psalms 122? Bible Expert: Psalms 122 is a song written by King David of Jerusalem. In it, he praises God for the city of Jerusalem and calls for peace within its walls.

  • Chapter 123

    Joe: Alright, so what do we got here? Psalms 123? Bible Expert: Yes, Psalms 123. It’s a song of hope and trust in God. Joe: Wow, that sounds cool. So what's it about? Bible Expert: The Psalm starts off by the speaker crying out to God, asking him to look down on them in mercy.

  • Chapter 124

    Joe: Alright, Alright, Alright folks, we got a real treat for you today. We have a Bible expert in the house! Bible Expert: Hi Joe, it's great to be here. Joe: Let's dive right in. What's the scoop on Psalms 124?

  • Chapter 125

    Joe: "Welcome Bible Expert! First off, tell us what is Psalms 125 all about?" Bible Expert: "Psalms 125 is a song of praise to God. It is written by King David, and is a reminder to trust in the Lord and His faithfulness.

  • Chapter 126

    Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Psalms 126. What can you tell me about it? Bible Expert: Sure, so Psalms 126 is a song of praise and thanksgiving. It's written by King David and it celebrates the return of the Jewish exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem.

  • Chapter 127

    Joe: Alright, so I have Bible Expert here with me. Let's hear about Psalms 127. Bible Expert: Well, Joe, Psalms 127 is a song of ascents and speaks of the importance of trusting in the Lord for success in life.

  • Chapter 128

    Joe: Alright, so what do we got here? Psalms 128? Bible Expert: Yes, it's a beautiful passage. It begins with a blessing to those who fear the Lord, as they will be blessed in their work and their homes.

  • Chapter 129

    Joe: Alright, so what have you got for us? Bible Expert: Psalms 129 is all about praise for God, who has delivered His people from their enemies. Joe: Wow, that's pretty powerful. So God just swooped in and saved them?

  • Chapter 130

    Joe: So, Bible Expert, I'm super excited to hear what's in Psalms 130. Bible Expert: Alright. Well, in this chapter, the Psalmist is calling out to God in distress, acknowledging his deep sin and begging for mercy.

  • Chapter 131

    Joe: Alright, so tell me about Psalms 131! Bible Expert: Sure, so this Psalm is a short one and is attributed to King David. It is a song of trust in God. Joe: Huh, so what does it say? Bible Expert: Well, it begins with David saying that he has calmed and quieted his soul like a weaned child.

  • Chapter 132

    Joe: Alright, so what is Psalms 132? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 132 is a short psalm of David about his promise to build a temple for God and the blessing that would come with it. Joe: Wow, really? So what does it say?

  • Chapter 133

    Joe: Alright Jamie, I've got the Bible Expert here and he's ready to give us a summary of Psalms 133, what's it all about? Expert: Well Joe, the Psalm is all about unity. It's written by King David and it talks about how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.

  • Chapter 134

    Joe: Alright, so we have a Bible expert here ready to discuss Psalms 134. Tell us what we have in store! Bible Expert: Psalm 134 is a short poem praising God for his greatness and inviting the people to worship Him.

  • Chapter 135

    Joe: Alright, so tell me about Psalms 135. Bible Expert: This is a song of praise to God. It starts off with a call to praise the Lord, and then goes through a list of reasons why God is worthy of being praised.

  • Chapter 136

    Joe: Alright, so we have a Bible expert with us today, what can you tell us about the Book of Psalms? Bible Expert: Sure, the Book of Psalms is a collection of 150 ancient Hebrew hymns, prayers, and other types of religious songs.

  • Chapter 137

    Joe: Alright, welcome to the show Bible Expert! So what can you tell us about Psalms 137? Bible Expert: Well Joe, Psalms 137 is a lament psalm. The psalm talks about the exiles in Babylon and the feelings of homesickness for the beloved city Jerusalem that they feel.

  • Chapter 138

    Joe: Okay, so we've got Psalms 138. What is that all about? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 138 is a song of praise to God. It talks about how God is always present and how His love and faithfulness endure forever.

  • Chapter 139

    Joe: Alright, so let's get into Psalms 139! I'm excited to hear what this one is all about. Bible Expert: Well, this Psalm is all about God's perfect knowledge of us. The psalmist speaks of how God knows all of our actions, even before we do them, and is always present with us, even in our darkest moments.

  • Chapter 140

    Joe: Alright, so we've got the Bible expert here to talk about Psalms 140. Let's get into it. Bible Expert: Sure. The psalm begins with the psalmist praying for deliverance from wicked and violent people.

  • Chapter 141

    Joe: Alright, so what are you gonna tell us about Psalms 141? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 141 is a prayer of King David. It's a plea to God for protection and deliverance. It's a very personal prayer and David expresses his feelings of being overwhelmed and helpless.

  • Chapter 142

    Joe: Alright! Welcome to the show everyone. Today we have a very special guest, a Bible Expert! Welcome to the show, sir. Expert: Thank you for having me, Joe. Joe: Absolutely! So, we're going to go through the Bible chapter by chapter, and today we're starting with Psalms 142.

  • Chapter 143

    Joe: Alright, so what do we got here? Psalms 143? Bible Expert: Yeah, so this is a prayer of David's, and it's focused on his need for God's guidance and protection. He calls out to God, asking for him to hear his plea and to remember his devotion and faithfulness.

  • Chapter 144

    Joe: Alright, welcome to the show everybody! We’re so excited to have Bible Expert on the show today to talk about Psalms 144. Bible Expert, why don’t you tell us a bit about this chapter? Bible Expert: Sure.

  • Chapter 145

    Joe: Alright, so I'm here with Bible Expert, and we're gonna talk about Psalms 145. Tell me, what is this chapter about? Bible Expert: Psalms 145 is an inspirational hymn of praise to God, written by King David.

  • Chapter 146

    Joe: Alright, we're here with Bible expert, Dr. Bob. He's here to summarize Psalms 146 for us. So, Dr. Bob, what can you tell us about this chapter? Dr. Bob: Sure, Joe. In Psalms 146, the psalmist begins by praising God, who is the maker of heaven and earth.

  • Chapter 147

    Joe: Alright, so what do you got for us here? Bible Expert: This is Psalms 147, which is a song of praise to God. It starts off talking about how God is great and how He loves Jerusalem and takes care of his people.

  • Chapter 148

    Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about Psalms 148? Bible Expert: Well, it's a psalm of praise to God. The psalm begins with a call to praise God, who is glorified in heaven, and to praise God's name.

  • Chapter 149

    Joe: Alright, let's talk about Psalms 149. What's the deal with this one? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 149 is a hymn of praise and thanksgiving to God. It's an invitation to all to join in praising God, and it's a call to the Israelites to exalt and rejoice in the Lord.

  • Chapter 150

    Joe: Alright, so we're here with our Bible Expert, and we're gonna talk through Psalms chapter 150. So, what can you tell us about this chapter? Bible Expert: Sure! This chapter is a beautiful and powerful doxology of praise to God.