Joe: Alright, so I'm here today with a Bible Expert and we're talking about Psalms 23. What's it all about?
Bible Expert: Well Joe, Psalms 23 is a very famous chapter of the Bible. It’s a psalm, or a prayer, written by King David and is often referred to as the Shepherd’s Psalm because of the many references to God as a shepherd.
Joe: What’s it about?
Bible Expert: The psalm is a declaration of faith in God. It expresses the confidence of the author in God’s protection and provision in his life. It begins with a declaration of faith that God is a good shepherd and will provide, protect, and guide the faithful. The psalm ends with a reminder of God’s faithfulness and a plea for God’s presence.
Joe: Wow, that’s really powerful. So what does it mean for us today?
Bible Expert: Well, it’s a reminder of God’s love and care for us, even when we feel alone or scared. It’s a reminder that God is always present with us and will provide for us, protect us, and guide us. It’s a reminder that we can always have faith in God’s goodness and presence in our lives.