Joe: Ok so let's talk about Psalms 115. What's going on here?

Bible Expert: Well, this Psalm is a prayer of praise to God. It begins with a call to give glory to the Lord because He is the one who is sovereign and in control.

Joe: Wow so He's in charge of everything?

Bible Expert: Yes, He is higher than the heavens and does whatever He pleases.

Joe: That's crazy, so nothing can stop Him?

Bible Expert: No, nothing can stop Him. He is the one who answers prayers and provides help to those who trust in Him.

Joe: Alright so He's like a super-powerful being that we should all trust in?

Bible Expert: Exactly. He is the one who watches over and protects His people.

Joe: So no matter what happens, He's got our backs?

Bible Expert: Yes, He is always there for us. He blesses those who fear Him, and His love and faithfulness will never fail.

Joe: That's incredible. Now Jamie, you can Google this and make sure it's true.

Jamie: Will do, Joe.