Joe: Alright, let’s hear it. What’s Psalms 89 all about?
Bible Expert: Well, the psalm opens with a lament over God’s faithfulness and lovingkindness, which the psalmist mourns has been forgotten by God. The psalmist remembers God’s promises to David, including the promise to establish his kingdom forever.
Joe: Wow, so what happened?
Bible Expert: The psalmist laments that God has not fulfilled his promises, and that God’s enemies are mocking and attacking him. He then turns to God and praises his faithfulness and love, and expresses confidence in God’s salvation. The psalmist then prays for God’s mercy and protection for his people.
Joe: Whoa, and then?
Bible Expert: Then, the psalmist reflects on God’s justice and power, and proclaims that God is the only one who can save and deliver his people. The psalm ends with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God.
Joe: Wow, that’s intense! Jamie, Google this “promises to David” and check it out!
Jamie: Sure thing, Joe!