Joe: Alright, so, what do we got here? Psalms 68, right? Bible Expert: That's right Joe. Psalms 68 is a song of praise to God. It celebrates the power of God, and how He brings order and victory to the world. Joe: Wow, that's amazing! So, what kind of power and victory are we talking about? Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 68 talks about God's power to defeat enemies and bring justice to the oppressed. It talks about God's power over the forces of nature, and how He can bring healing and restoration to the world. Joe: That's incredible! What else does it talk about? Bible Expert: It also talks about how God can provide for those who are in need. It speaks of God's mercy and compassion for the poor and downtrodden, and how He can provide for them in times of need. Joe: That's amazing! So, what else? Bible Expert: It also speaks of God's faithfulness and how He can be trusted to keep His promises. It speaks of His glory and majesty, and how He is worthy of our praise and worship. Joe: Wow. That's really powerful stuff. Alright, so, Jamie, did you get all that? Jamie: Yup, got it all!