Folks, I'm gonna tell you what: Psalms 68 is an inspiring poem that speaks of God's power and loving kindness. C'mon, man! Literally, it's a celebration of God's awesomeness and His faithfulness to His people. See here, Jack, it talks about God's mighty acts of deliverance and His victory over His enemies. My father used to say, "God will care for the righteous and the poor." And that's exactly what this chapter says. It talks about how God will take care of the widow, the fatherless, and the oppressed. Or uh, you know, it reminds us that we should never forget to give thanks to the Lord for all of His blessings. I'm not joking, Jack. He's the one who gives us everything we need - literally! Listen, Jack, this Psalm is a great reminder that God is with us and will take care of us no matter what. Not gonna happen - no malarkey - that He'll ever abandon us. Here's the deal: we can always count on the Lord's love and support. What was that? That's Psalms 68 - I tell you what!